Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ ISFP
I'm back!
Had enuf of sleep juz now.
But it wasnt peaceful sleeping at all.
And i tink after this post im going back to slp again.

So on Thurs,
MJ did some personality profiling for all JC1s.
And i did the survey online and ended up in the ISFP section.
Its rather cool.
I alrdy noe i was like that,
But the ISFP thingy confirmed that i was like that. ( my english is failing here).
So i tot i cud share it up here..
And let ppl noe more about me?
Its gonna be a lengthy post.
So read on/speed read if u wanna noe wad kinda person i am :)
If not den juz dont read the post..
And i will change the colours and enlarged the phrases which i tink SUPER applies to me.
Here goes..

Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving

Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Do not like conflict, and not likely to do things which may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Extremely well-developed senses, and aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoy the present moment.


As an ISFP, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit into your value system. Your secondary mode is external, where you take things in via your five sense in a literal, concrete fashion. 

ISFPs live in the world of sensation possibilities. They are keenly in tune with the way things look, taste, sound, feel and smell. They have a strong aesthetic appreciation for art, and are likely to be artists in some form, because they are unusually gifted at creating and composing things which will strongly affect the senses. They have a strong set of values, which they strive to consistently meet in their lives. They need to feel as if they're living their lives in accordance with what they feel is right, and will rebel against anything which conflicts with that goal. They're likely to choose jobs and careers which allow them the freedom of working towards the realization of their value-oriented personal goals. 

ISFPs tend to be quiet and reserved, and difficult to get to know well. They hold back their ideas and opinions except from those who they are closest to. They are likely to be kind, gentle and sensitive in their dealings with others. They are interested in contributing to people's sense of well-being and happiness, and will put a great deal of effort and energy into tasks which they believe in. 

ISFPs have a strong affinity for aesthetics and beauty. They're likely to be animal lovers, and to have a true appreciation for the beauties of nature. They're original and independent, and need to have personal space. They value people who take the time to understand the ISFP, and who support the ISFP in pursuing their goals in their own, unique way. People who don't know them well may see their unique way of life as a sign of carefree light-heartedness, but the ISFP actually takes life very seriously, constantly gathering specific information and shifting it through their value systems, in search for clarification and underlying meaning. 

ISFPs are action-oriented individuals. They are "doers", and are usually uncomfortable with theorizing concepts and ideas, unless they see a practical application. They learn best in a "hands-on" environment, and consequently may become easily bored with the traditional teaching methods, which emphasize abstract thinking.[which JC ALWAYS does-.-] They do not like impersonal analysis, and are uncomfortable with the idea of making decisions based strictly on logic. Their strong value systems demand that decisions are evaluated against their subjective beliefs, rather than against some objective rules or laws. 

ISFPs are extremely perceptive and aware of others. They constantly gather specific information about people, and seek to discover what it means. They are usually penetratingly accurate in their perceptions of others. 

ISFPs are warm and sympathetic. They genuinely care about people, and are strongly service-oriented in their desire to please. They have an unusually deep well of caring for those who are close to them, and are likely to show their love through actions, rather than words. 

ISFPs have no desire to lead or control others, just as they have no desire to be led or controlled by others.[don't EVER try controlling me. I hate it.] They need space and time alone to evaluate the circumstances of their life against their value system, and are likely to respect other people's needs for the same. 

The ISFP is likely to not give themself enough credit for the things which they do extremely well =/. Their strong value systems can lead them to be intensely perfectionist[not reali perfectionist for me], and cause them to judge themselves with unneccesary harshness. 

The ISFP has many special gifts for the world, especially in the areas of creating artistic sensation, and selflessly serving others. Life is not likely to be extremely easy for the ISFP, because they take life so seriously, but they have the tools to make their lives and the lives of those close to them richly rewarding experiences.


ISFP Relationships 

ISFPs are warmhearted, gentle people who take their commitments seriously, and seek lifelong relationships. They are very private people, who keep their true feelings and opinions reserved or hidden from others. This may cause them to constantly defer to their mates in their intimate relationships, which may cause problems if their mates are not extremely aware of the ISFP's feelings. Some ISFPs who are in the habit of not expressing their needs and feelings find themselves in situations throughout their life where they feel overshadowed, overlooked, or even "tread upon" by others. Highly practical and cynical by nature, these feelings may cause the ISFP to become bitter, and to either give up on their relationships, or to start using their relationships for their own personal gain. Although this problem is observed sometimes in the ISFP type, it does not seem to be present in those ISFPs who consistently express their feelings to those closest to them. These ISFPs have a very positive, warm outlook on life and love, and are not as likely to find themselves in relationships where they are taken for granted or taken advantage of. ISFPs go to great lengths to please their partners. They're very loyal and supportive, with a deep capacity for love. They detest conflict and discord, and highly value being seen and understood for who they are. They need space to live their lives in their own unique way, and will respect other's need for space. 


ISFP Strengths 

● Warm, friendly and affirming by nature
● Usually optimistic [is it?? o.o not reali...]
Good listeners [Super super agree]
● Good at dealing with practical day-to-day concerns 
Flexible and laid-back, usually willing to defer to their mates  [yep]
● Their love of aesthetic beauty and appreciation for function makes them likely to have attractive, functional homes 
Take their commitments seriously, and seek lifelong relationships 
Likely to value and respect other's personal space 
Likely to enjoy showing their affection through acts and deeds 
● Sensuous and earthy 

ISFP Weaknesses 

● Not good at long-range financial (or other) planning [disagree]
● Extreme dislike of conflict and criticism [a little?]
● Focused on enjoying the present moment, they may appear lazy or slow-moving at times [DATS Y IM ALWAYS SO SLOW]
Need to have their own space, and dislike having it invaded [S.S.A]
May be slow to show their affection with words [Super super agree]
Tendency to hold back their thoughts and feelings, unless drawn out [S.S.A]
● May become overly cynical and practical 

ISFPs Dangers

Withdraw from people and situations
Be excessively self-critical
Passively resist structures and rules
Feel unappreciated and undervalued
Reject or not take seriously logical systems
Feel ill-equipped to deal with complexity  [simplicity is the best]
● Not always see the wider implications of their spcific, immediate decisions


ISFPs as Lovers 

ISFPs are warm and giving people, who have a depth of emotion and caring which is not often obvious to others, except those who know them extremely well. They are usually intense people, who experience their emotions on an intense level. Although they may appear to be light-hearted, they are in fact extremely serious, and take their relationships seriously. Unlike other SP types, people with the ISFP type desire and seek lifelong, committed relationships. [which explains why i wanna be alone now :) ]

ISFPs may have a problem with communication. With Introverted Feeling dominating their personality, they are more vulnerable then most to being hurt. Perhaps because of this, they tend to hold back part of themselves from others, and do not always say what they think or feel. This is especially true during conflict situations, which the ISFP abhors more than anything in the world. Confrontations and arguments are very difficult for the ISFP to deal with. They feel personally threatened in these situations. If the ISFP falls into the habit of not communicating their feelings with their partner, this could cause serious problems in the relationship over the long haul. [uh-oh]

Sexually, the ISFP approaches intimacy with complete attention, seriousness and depth. They experience lovemaking through their senses, and welcome the chance to interact with their mate at this level. They are not likely to express their feelings verbally, believing that actions speak louder than words. 

ISFPs need positive affirmation to be happy and feel good about themselves. They need to be praised, although they are usually uncomfortable with "gushy" praise. The greatest gift their partners can give them is the expression of their affection and admiration. 

Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, the ISFP's natural partner is the ESFJ, or the ENFJ. ISFP's dominant function of Introverted Feeling is best matched with a partner whose dominant function is Extraverted Feeling. The ISFP/ESFJ combination is ideal, because the types share Sensing as their way of perceiving the world, but ISFP/ENFJ is also a good match. 


ISFPs as Parents 

ISFPs enjoy their parenting role, and take great pride and comfort in their children. Most have a special affinity with babies and young children, and form bonds with their children when they are very young.[no wonder i LOVEE children so much] They are very laid-back parents, and are not likely to have highly defined expectations of their children. They will gently guide their behavior, and suggest a particular direction, but their own respect of the individual psyche will cause them to be quite easy-going and non-demanding as parents. The ISFP is likely to treat their children as individuals, and encourage them to have their own role in the family. 

ISFPs love to have fun, and live in the current moment. All ISFPs have a bit of little kid inside themselves, and they love to play games alongside their children.[=DDDD dam true man.] Their special affinity towards nature and animals make them likely to lead their children in fun outdoors activities. 

ISFPs are not likely to provide a very structured environment for their children. They are also likely to have a problem with disciplining or punishing their kids. [ooppss] The gentle manner and kind heart of the ISFP makes it hard for them to make others unhappy - especially their own children. However, structure and discipline are important for growing children. If the other parent encourages and promotes structure, and is able to administer discipline when necessary, the parent combination may work very well without there being an obvious lack of structure. However, if the other parent is also not strong with structure or discipline, this is an area which needs to have special attention. Growing children do not have the experience to decide on their own the difference between Right and Wrong. They need to have barriers set down in a tangible way, to help them decide. 

ISFPs like to show their love in deeds rather than words, which is manifested in their doing a lot for their children. They may lavish them with gifts on Christmas day, or go out of their way to do special things for them. 

The ISFP is a service-oriented person, who defines their personal worth in some part by how happy they make others. This is typical of people with the Feeling preference. The special potential problem that ISFPs face is their service-oriented attitude combined with their habit of not expressing their own needs and feelings. This combination causes some ISFPs to get taken for granted. If this happens frequently to an ISFP, they may become bitter and angry. They think of themselves as victims, and may erect barriers to keep out those who have hurt them. This may be a serious problem if the ISFP parent feels that their children are taking them for granted. The best defense against such a situation occurring is for the ISFP to get into the habit of verbalizing and communicating their needs.  [ooppss]

ISFP parents will be loyal, dedicated and self-sacrificing to their children until they leave home. When the kids have left the nest, the ISFP will enjoy their time alone to do things for themselves. If the ISFP has not allowed themselves to become victims or victimizers in their life, they will be very good parents, and will be remembered fondly and affectionately by their children. 


ISFPs as Friends 

ISFPs are able to get along with most of the other personality types, although they tend to be reserved around those they don't know well. They will enjoy spending time with others who share their interests, and who understand and accept the ISFP for who they are. They greatly value their space and autonomy, and appreciate other's respect for that. 

The ISFP is not likely to have much patience or tolerance for those who are strongly Judging. ISFPs celebrate their own uniqueness, as well as everybody else's, and don't appreciate being judged harshly for their differences. 

In work settings, the ISFP is likely to get along with most everyone, unless someone inhabits their space too much, in which case sparks may fly.[ o.o fly in the angry way or the loving way??] Generally, the ISFP is kind-hearted and generous with those they care about, and makes a true-blue friend.


ISFPs generally have the following traits

-Keen awareness of their environment 
-Live in the present moment 
-Enjoy a slower pace - they like to take time to savor the present moment 
-Dislike dealing with theory or abstract thought, unless they see a practical application 
-Faithful and loyal to people and ideas which are important to them 
-Individualistic, having no desire to lead or follow 
-Take things seriously, although they frequently appear not to 
-Special bond with children and animals 
-Quiet and reserved, except with people they know extremely well 
-Trusting, sensitive, and kind 
-Service-oriented; they're driven to help others 
-Extremely well-developed appreciation for aesthetic beauty 
-Likely to be original and unconventional 
-Learn best with hands-on training 
-Hate being confined to strict schedules and regimens 
-Need space and freedom to do things their own wa
-Dislike mundane, routine tasks, but will perform them if necessary [eg. sch!!-.-]

The ISFP is a very special individual who needs to have a career which is more than a job. The middle of the road is not likely to be a place where they will be fulfilled and happy. They need to have a career which is consistent with their strong core of inner values. Since they prefer to live in the current moment, and take the time to savor it, they do not do well with some of the more fast-paced corporate environments. They need a great deal of space and freedom if they are going to function in their natural realm of acute sensory awareness. If they give free reign to their natural abilities, they may find a wonderful artist within themselves. Almost every major artist in the world has been an ISFP. Since the ISFP is so acutely aware of people's feelings and reactions, and is driven by their inner values to help people, the ISFP is also a natural counselor and teacher.

Possible Career Paths for the ISFP: 
Musician / Composer 
Child Care / Early Childhood Development 
Social Worker / Counselor 
Forest Ranger 


So thats it i tink?
I'm around...
60% introvert.
30% sensing.
50% feeling
15% perceiving.

My top 5 values are:
2. LOVE [includes family friends and evrything else inside]

So i guess i'm on the right track tinking that i wanna be a psychologist? =/
But dere's lotsa studies to be done.
I'm lazyyyyyyyy..
So those things i write on my profile place are more or less true.
And its confirmed after doing the MBTI surveyy.
I'm loving my personality type.
It reali describes me :)
Don't noe y i am in a JC especially wen i need my PERSONAL SPACE.
Hardly any time to breathe in JC!

And i can't believe britney spears has the same personality type as me.
Britney an ISFP?!
Thats wierddddddd..
Before i go.. I found this thingy.
Its lyk the ISFP describing me too~~


No one knows what it is like being shy unless you are shy. It is a simple fact we shy people can relate to. One would think that we shy people would get together in a room and talk about what it's like  to be the one in corner, the lone person, the one the bench looking wistfully at the world. Good idea but we shy people would be in our corners, the one the bench, and the ones looking in silently watching. We watch. That is what we are good at watching. 

We shy people are good at watching. Looking at others laughing and playing and generally having fun. Why do we watch? Is it because in our minds we would replace those happy people talking and conversing to each other if we could. We would be one of them having fun. I don’t know if it is the wish of all shy people but it is my wish. [i don't tink its my wish, i also don't noe y i watch show much. I juz love doing it.]

They say that shy people grow out of it with age. Not really, they just say that to make you feel better. Being an adult, you see that the world isn’t all that bad as you thought. The more divers the group is, the less they are to single you out. You fit into those situations. Then when the time comes that you are with those that are all the same and you are different, there is were the eye of scrutiny comes. You are set aside to be either scrutinized or ignored.

You would think being shy you would want to be ignored not to be in the spotlight. We shy people are conflicting in that way for those who don’t understand. We like to be loved just like everyone else we just don’t want to be the pop star of the crowd. For us a little bit of attention goes a long way. [i hate attention]

We shy people tend to have a gift. It must be all that time we spent alone that we end up perfecting something. For me it is writing, and that is what I do. I do imagine that I will one day publish something. Though I am not good enough in my mind but there are the ones that read my work and they want to let others read it too. I would like to pick my readers though. Those that would appreciate my time and effort than those that would see a train wreck of letters. 
It is the criticism that we shy people can’t stand. I always say I was born sensitive and then made shy. We don’t know how to stand up to ourselves more like we do but are too afraid too. Maybe it is that reason we stay away from being close to people. We don’t know what to do and we are afraid they won’t like us. 

They claim get out and be around other. That is easy for those who are open. They walk in the room and they seem to be control of everything. Low self-esteem is all it is they claim. It is easier to feel bad about ones self than to feel good. A thousand compliments you get is ruin by one mean spirited joke or someone’s petty insult. 

Despite how much we shy people dislike the crowds. We are good friends. We pick someone and stay as loyal as we can. It may just be that one person we speak to on the train or that one person at work we have lunch with. Though there is that one person that comes to see us out of their large ring of friends. They don’t judge us and let us be who we are.


Okay. Im bloody hungry now!
I shall go sleep my hunger offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.


Friday, February 27, 2009 @ Injured leg
My leg hurts lyk mad.
PE today was still acceptable not that hiong.
ran 4 rounds+height and weight.
But somehow i tink i injured it while running or mayb after it.
Ankle super pain that i can barely walk.
And den after sch, there was sci fiesta.
Stayed back and raced with other CG doing sci quizzes.
Its dam lame.
Kinda regretted signing up for it.
If not i cud hv went home at 10.25am today! >.>
So practically i Ran around the whole sch again for Sci fiesta.
My grp chiong lyk mad,
But in the end also didnt win anything.
And i don't understand y the library doesnt allow students to wear PE inside..
They chased me out wen i went in with PE.
I asked the librarian y cant i wear PE.
And she said the principal doesnt allow.
She also doesnt noe y.
Sec sch was filled with strict rules.
While College is filled with retarded rules man.
So now, i Dont even hv the strength to walk now.
Hope tml it gets better!
If not i tink i cant even get out of the house tml ><

There's tons of hw to do for this weekend.
And dere's project to do.
And dere's test to mug for next wk.

Im bloody tired now.
So i shall go slp now.
So i can stay awake at night again! :)
Dats wad i look forward to.
And mayb lata at night i'll post something to share more things about me.
So for now i shall go slp.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @ CCA appeal
My CCA appeal was successful!
No more canoeing.
Its bloody tough.
I forgot to say that some guy almost fainted last thurs wen we had land training.
But its kinda not good too cuz I cant train for NAFTA.
MJ needs EVERY1 to have at least a silver.
Its gonna be dam tough to achieve for me.
My standing broad jump and shuttle run cmi.

Currently having 2 projects at hand..
Mayb it mite be 3 but I forgot which 1.
And dere’s 2 tests next wk.
Econs and Chem.
Gotta mug lyk a mug(cup)!
But I cant reali discipline myself.
Unless mayb this com crashes or sumthg.
I hope not..
Project stuffs and project work are soon gonna rob my soul away from me!

I can’t wait for the march hols to come.
Its coming soon.
2 more weeks!
But I tink I’ll hv to go back to sch at least for a few days.
But hopefully not..
I wanna slp at 6am everyday again.
U miss holidays.
But at least now,
I’m glad I updated my itunes with 15 new songs.
It has been ages since I added new songs in there.

And happy 17th birthday shimin!

I'm afraid i wont be able to quit u.
Its tough.


Monday, February 23, 2009 @ Secret Valentine
Secret Valentine - We The Kings

We'll write a song
That turns out the lights
When both boy and girl start suddenly shaking inside
Don't waste your time
Speed up your breathing
Just close your eyes
We'll hope it's not for nothing at all

Soft kiss and wine what a pretty friend of mine
We're finally intertwined
Nervous and shy for the moment we will come
Alive tonight
Secret valentine

We'll write a song
That turns out the lights
When both boy and girl start suddenly shaking inside
Don't waste your time
Speed up your breathing
Just close your eyes
We'll hope it's not for nothing at all

Lay down be still
Don't worry talk they will
I'll be loving you until
Morning's first light
Breaks tomorrow
I'll take care of you tonight
Secret valentine

We'll write a song
That turns out the lights
When both boy and girl start suddenly shaking inside
Don't waste your time
Speed up your breathing
Just close your eyes
We'll hope it's not for nothing at all

When guilt fills your head
Brush off rise up from the dead
This is the moment that we
Will come alive
Brace yourself for love
Sweet love, secret love.

We'll write a song
That turns out the lights
When both boy and girl start suddenly shaking inside
Don't waste your time
Speed up your breathing
Just close your eyes
We'll hope it's not for nothing at all 

We'll write a song
That turns out the lights
When both boy and girl start suddenly shaking inside
Don't waste your time
Speed up your breathing
Just close your eyes
We'll hope it's not for nothing at all 
Nothing at all

I'm addicted to this!

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Sunday, February 22, 2009 @ Road race

There was road race ytd at pasir ris park.
Ran for 3.3km.
Almost died.
But it was rather fun.
This whole wk ran for at least 10km alrdy..
Dats quite…. Good -.-
And at least callisto wasn’t last again.
We’re 4th now :)
After the run and the road race programme.
Went to downtown with classmates to eat BK.
There were some gross stuffs going on while eating..
Lyk the sticking out of tongues!
Zihan’s and XiaoQi’s tongues are friggin long!! @_@
Can touch the chin those kind.
Their tongues are lyk snakes man.
After that played a few rounds of Indian poker and truth or dare.
Quite fun luh.
But we played for quite a short while and den we all had to gooo =/
Had to gooo home to complete friggin Econs proj which is due on Monday.
Econs stole my weekend this wk.
I’ve yet to complete it,
So tml I’m gonna chiong it finish and do finish econs tutorial.

There’s going to be canoeing land training on Monday again.
I tink I’m gonna die pretty bad.
The sets are DAM tough.
Hanging in there is alrdy a problem.
I shall wait for my appeal to be approved den I can get out of canoeing alrdy -.-
Last Friday’s canoeing training was alrdy bad enuf.
Monday’s one is sure gonna be hell a lot tougher.

I’m pissed at The Discipline committee guy is such an idiottttttttttttt!!
He’s still not happy with my hair.
I friggin cut it 3 times and he’s still not happy.
Its so dam obvious that my hair is short.
Even my form teacher doesn’t care so much.
So he sent me out of sch on Thurs to cut it.
He is such an idiot.
Ytd wen I saw him at the road race I was cursing him that he die while running or sumthing..
And the place I went to did SUCH A DISGUSTING JOB.
So now, I’m pretty much fringeless and my hair is bad hair day everyday now.
Looks lyk I can only wait for it to grow out again.
Juz hopes that he doesn’t catch me over and over again.
That will be the end of his and my life.
Cuz I’m gonna kill him too.

And my com has juz contracted virus.
Another sway thing juz had to happen.
I’m dam pissed and stress.
Wad if the com cant boot up tml?
Den im quite dead alrdy for econs proj.
Gotta pray dam hard that it works and everything will be fine..
But if I don’t ever blog or reply tags again means my com dieded alrdy>.>
Dat will be the end of the world man.
There’s tons of other things to rant but I shan’t do it here.

I’m not happy with my life at all…


Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @ if only
IF only things were kept that simple.
IF only simplicity was that simple.
IF only innocence was that pure.

I’m going crazy.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ WTH?
Rachel was the highest scorer in her group for campus superstar yesterday!
30 points.
And luckily she made it to top 6.
Im happy for her.
How I wish it was hols now so I can still slack and go down mediacorp to support her =[
Hope she makes it to the finalsss!
I appeal to evry1 who reads this to support her!

Ytd in sch was a killer.
1st day sch actuali operated according to the permanent time table.
Main thing was PE.
It was the 1st lesson and evry1 has to run 2.4km alrdy.
It was Hella tiring.
Havent run in ages and I sweated lyk a dam pig.
Friday dere’s another PE period.
Its 2 times a week -.-
And den Saturday dere’s gonne be road race.
And I tink I’ve gotta run for 3+km..
It’s a good thing tho =/

Sch’s soooo busy dat im super outdated with songs alrdy.
All the new songs I still haven’t got a chance to sit down and listen to them.
And I need new songs =[
Freak shyt.
Sch is stealing my life awayyyy.

And now I got into CANOEING?! For CCA.
Wad is going on man.
It wasn’t even in my 5 choices for CCAs.
And they allocated me dere cuz I had canoeing background??!
Training’s 4 times a week.
Including evry sat mornings.
And dats the only day I can sleep in late.
This whole thing is juz SCREWED UP.
I’m gonna APPEAL out tml.
Hopefully I can.
If not sch curriculum + CCA = GONER.
I don’t even hv to mug alrdy if I join canoeing.
And I hv to go for tuitions, as if I hv that much time to spare for mugging.
After water trainings I will be dead tired.
Don’t even hv the strength and time to do my stuffs.
I’ve experienced it before.

I hate my life in MJ man.
Firstly tutorial teachers are mostly those reali crazy kind.
Secondly, I cut my hair alrdy.
And have to cut it again cuz the DM says its still long wen I went to see him today-.-
So now its dam short alrdy.
If still don pass I swear I’ll smack his plastered face man.
Thirdly, wrong CCA.
But ate least the ppl there are good! =]
And not too long ago I lost my wallet during hols.
Its juz lyk a series of unfortunate events man.

My sch played an angel and mortal game.
And I got my mortal, a senior from JC2, in student council.
I haven’t got anything for her yet =/
And today’s the last day.
And tml the whole sch is gonna reveal who is the angel or everyone.
So I have to prepare a give today to gif her tml I tink.
And my angel gave me a thingy today.
Its dam cool.
Cuz its kinda a customized thing around the wrist.
I duno how to call it.
And it has my name on it.
Heard it costed a bomb!
I better thank my angel tml.

And lastly,
To the person who die die don’t believed I mug MATH.
This is prove dat I mugged on Sunday!
But of cuz not myself only luh.

Okay I’m off to do my econs proj and mug.


Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ Chocs fondue
Friday the 13th was reali hella shyt.
I was reali dam sway to be caught by the discipline committee.
N I have to cut my hair.. AGAIN -.-
Wads wrong with this sch man.
Evry1 seems to be reali picking on me.
I don’t get it.
But ate Mac after sch with classmates!
And i wud say it was rather...
Shucks. I tink im supposed to forget about it.
Lets move on.. HAHA.

So continuing...
Ytd 14th of feb, Valentine’s day,
I juz HAD to accompany my math hw.
But at least dere’s sum1 else to help me with it. Haha.
Sry for making ur V day kinda miserable =/
Had cg and had choc fondue thingy.
It was bloody sinful man.
Chocs chocs everywhr.

My mouth and teeth were brown evrywhr.
But its been a long while since I enjoyed eating so much chocs.
And I made this shyt while eating the choc fondue.

Looks reali disgusting.
There’s biscuit, ice cream + chocolate over it.
Headed to marina barrage after that.
1st time going dere.
And its lyk pretty cool.
Juz dat it was infested with couples cuz it was valentine’s day.
I didn’t even wanna go dere at first.
I was pretty much forced to go dere heh.
And coincidentally I met my cousins dere.
They were friggin noisyyyyyy wen they saw me.
And the night scenery is kinda nice.
But in a way not nice as compared to overseas.
Its juz reali average..

I have friggin math hw not completed.
And I haven’t even touched my econs proj.
Pretty much gonna be occupied for all my free time man.
Cant stand this life of mine, whr I don’t even hv a friggin space to live without having JC stuffs buggin me.
Tml gonna complete my math with sum1 helping me.
Hopefully I can finish it.
I’m crossing my fingers on this.
I’m such a math idiot.

Valentine’s day is overrr.
To cow : Glad that u’re happy with it :)

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Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ happy valentine's day

happy valentine's day!


Friday, February 13, 2009 @ Mugger shyt
Here I am bloggin at 1 plus am in the morning wen there’s sch tml.
I’m waiting for my hair to dry before I can go to bed.
I reached home at 11 plus pm today in my sch uniform.
Went for some meeting juz now.
Was friggin tired.
But luckily dere’s oni 2 lectures tml.
Econs and math.
Econs was reali funny cuz we hv a lecturer whose pronunciation was cmi.
The whole lecture roomed laughed wen she pronounced sumthing wrong.
And she tot we were laughin along w her or at her jokes, which were pretty much lame.
Math was a killer.
Cuz I couldn’t understand a single shyt from the lecture.
Hv yet to revise it yet,
Cuz I reached home rather late.
And dere’s all the product rule, quotient rule and stuff.
Pang sai sia.
I DESPERATELY need a Math tutor for me ><
If not I’ll reali be lagging behind.
I don’t wanna be retained..

Dats out of 800 plus ppl in the cohort last yr.
Dats AWESOMELY insane!
How in the world can so mani ppl get retained?!
I’m getting worried here.
So looks lyk I muz mug more heh?
Rahimah said that chem was the main subject that most ppl did not do well last yr for promos.
Which explains the high retain rate.
To be promoted, I’ve to hv at least a sub-pass for EVERY subject.
Cant afford to even fail a single shyt thing.
MJ is alrdy so mug, yet so mani ppl are getting retain.
Wad world is this man?!
And they said that my batch of JC1s are DAM mug.
Much more mug den last yr JC1s.
Every1 is reali pressurizing evry1 else to mug, which results in EVERY1 muggin -.-
Can hardly breathe anymore.
Come on n rescue me!

And seems lyk this whole eyecandy thingy in MJ is reali “in” at the moment.
Almost evry1 has one.
I can elaborate a whole dam chunk bout this thingy, but I shall not.

Wednesday had CCA tryouts.
They said that only if u go for the tryouts,
Den they will accept u wen u put that CCA as a choice of urs.
I wanted to go for badminton tryouts,
But on wed there was reali too mani ppl tryin out,
So I went to tryout other CCAs too.
Badminton tryouts ends at 5pm.
Before that I was tryin out air rifle shooting club,
So it took quite awhile to finish the whole dam shooting.
Which resulted in me being late, slightly past 5pm for the badminton tryout.
Wen I consulted the coach to let me tryout,
He rejected and said he’ll only let me try if I’m from sch team previously.
Wad kinda coach is he man?!
Such stuck up attitude.
And there were so mani ppl trying out during the time frame of 2 hrs.
Wen each person went out to the badminton court to try play,
He only observed each person for less den a minute.
Around 30 secs I guess.
Looks lyk he doesn’t even gif a shyt about the ppl trying out.
Unless its those reali pro ppl.
So, I’ve chosen photography as my 1st choice alrdy.
Kinda interested in it.
So we’ll see how it goes.
Hope my testimonials will come out good too if I join photography…
And I’m happy cuz tml sch ends at 10.25am for me.
But mayb I’ve gotta stay back.
But latest till 12 plus.

My Civics Tutor (form teacher) last minute changed to some person.
Called Miss Tan.
I’m not liking her at the moment.
Cuz she kinda picks on me for my hair..
Wads wrong w my hair man?!
Its so dam friggin short alrdy and she still says I’ve gotta cut it by next wk.
Blind or sumthing eh?
At least she didn’t continue saying bout the dyed hair thingy.
If not I wud hv gotten REALI REALI annoyed at her.
And she’s gonna be my General Paper and most likely project work teacher.
Not good.
Its lyk havin lessons with discipline mistress or sumthing.
I hate this!

And Valentine’s Day is coming up tml!
Havin a choc fondue party on sat :)
And I’m not sure wad im planning exactly…
Actuali dere’s nthg to plan luh.
Juz gotta prepare the chocolate and stuffs.
And I’ll see my mood.
I mite after all buy presents for some ppl for all u noe.

And I juz realized I noe so mani ppl whose birthday are on 9/11.
11th of September.
This’s reali random..

To you:
I hate u to the core man.
Trying to act saintly by sharing other ppl’s thingies without even askin them?
I caught u 2 times doing that alrdy.
Those stuffs aren’t even urs.
And u act as if there’re all urs and u can share them w any1 u lyk.
And then after sharing, wen apparently no1 wanna take those things cuz they know its not theirs,
Then u’ll start to act blur and innocent and try to cope ppl’s things.
I don’t mind if u ask directly,
But stop tryin to act innocent!
And wads up with that stuck up attitude of urs.
I’ll appreciate it a lot if u’d kindly Put a stop to that.
Cuz I cant tolerate it any more.

And to you:
I’m beginning to feel that I’m too lousy for u.
U’re doing well in evry aspects and our personality seems reali different.
U’re juz too good for me.
And I don’t noe wad to do.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 @ Hello

Sch is killin me.
The ppl dere are 100% mug.
Evry1 mugs and do tutorials and read notes during their spare time in sch.
As if I want to do all these stuffs.
But lookin at all the others mug,
I of cuz muz mug too eh.
If not I’ll be lagging farrr behind.
Esp for math.
Since I DIDN’T take A math in sec sch.
I tink my whole class its only me who didn’t take A math.
N e 1st topic is alrdy differentiation techniques and stuff.
I kinda get it but I kinda don’t get it too.
I guess I’ll juz hv to practice my butt off.

Thurs gotta go tiong bahru after sch.
And I still gotta plan which day im free to go buy fruits for the choc fondue thingy this sat.
JC is taking my time all awayyyyyyy.
Even my sleeping is affected.
I always lay down at night on my bed n it seems lyk it takes oni 1 minute for me to knockout.
I don’t even see myself havin the time to watch TV in the following weeks.
Lets see.
So far on hand, I’ve gotta finish chem. Tutorial on mole concept (around 50 questions) due this Friday.
Math practice for A math (12 questions and I don’t even noe how to do a single 1!!!!!!) due next wk.
Econs project. (a whole friggin report and stuff on the price of coffee beans) due next wk.
Seems lyk quite little.
But its alrdy dam a lot.
Today’s last lecture during geog, my head was bobbing away.
I tink the teacher saw me sleeping but hack care bout me heh.
Barely cud stay awake.
This is more stressful den O levels!!!

And I missed my bus stop to alight on the way back home,
Cuz I slept on the bus.
Luckily I missed oni 1 stop. If not mayb I’ll end up in the interchange-.-
See how sch is killing me??!

Today during morning assembly,
There was spot check for all JC1s only.
Cuz they wanted to start the yr rite.
And that’s cuz they noticed the boys had relatively long hairs.
So, I juz had to be caught by my civics teacher.
So I had to my hair shorter and the back and dye it black tml.
But my hair is alrdy dyed back.
Nthg’s wrong.
If tml my CT catches me for my hair colour again, im gonna say its natural.
Anyway IT IS =/
And my mum doesn’t allow me to dye it again, cuz it spoils my hair.
So if my CT die die hv to pick on my hair colour tml, I’ll ask her to ring up my mum.
Save all the friggin trouble.
Cuz its not me who don’t wanna dye it charcoal black, but its my mum =]
Not my fault.
Its NATURAL!! Haha.
And I got caught for my contacts.
So tml I cant wear it to sch.
Looks lyk MJ isn’t that lenient anymore.
But I tink its juz only this 1 time they hv spot check.
Cuz the principal said they don’t conduct it often.
At least its still a little better den temasek -.-

And I kinda lyk my class more now.

Me, u and my medication.


Sunday, February 8, 2009 @ Freak Out

Freak Out - Avril Lavigne

Try to tell me what I shouldn't do
You should know by now,
I won't listen to you

Walk around with my
hands up in the air
Cause I don't care

Cause I'm alright, I'm fine
Just freak out, let it go

I'm gonna live my life
I can't ever run and hide
I won't compromise
Cause I'll never know

I'm gonna close my eyes
I can't watch the time go by
I won't keep it inside
Freak out, let it go
Just freak out, let it go
[End Chorus]

You don't always have to
do everything right
Stand up for yourself
And put up a fight

Walk around with your
hands up in the air
Like you don't care

Cause I'm alright, I'm fine
Just freak out, let it go

I'm gonna live my life
I can't ever run and hide
I won't compromise
Cause I'll never know

I'm gonna close my eyes
I can't watch the time go by
I won't keep it inside

Freak out, let it go
[End Chorus]

On my own
Let it go
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Just let me live my life!
I can't ever run and hide
I won't compromise
Cause I'll never know
I'm gonna close my eyes
I can't watch the time go by
I won't keep it inside
Freak out, let it go

Gonna freak out, let it go
Gonna freak out, let it go
[End Chorus]


I love the lyrics and tune of this song.
It inspires me!
Good motivation.
I won’t compromise!
And im letting it all go.
The attitude of this song is juz rite for everything now.


@ CG multiplication!
Its been 3 days since I last blogged.
I’m getting lazy to blog once I lose the momentum.
So I tink I’ll cut short everything.
Too lazy to recall and type out everything heh.

So, the past 3 days have been orientation days.
I entered the house called Callisto which represented the Blue as the house colour and an eagle as the house’s animal.
But it turns out that my house was the last among all 5 houses in MJ. Heh.
And im glad to announce dat I’m in the 1st choice of my desired subject combi!
Happy but at the same time sien.
Cuz there’s bloody math to haunt me.
I get so disgusted juz picturing me mugging for H2 math!
So far, everything has been going on well for me.
Had a good L1R5, entered a good sch, entered a good combi and I tink my class will be a fun class =]

Thursday had games in sch.
Had a friggin sunburn while I was playin in the scorching sun.
Had to squirm thru mud water and stuff.
But I went by the cleaner way.
And I volunteered myself in 1 of those games, and I muz lead those who are blindfolded around the “maze” and while climbing thru the obstacles, ketchup, soy sauce, chilli and stuffs are being poured onto ur shirt!
It stinked lyk shyt.
So, I was the cleanest in my class after the entire day.
I didn’t need 2 change but the others needed heh :)
I was so tired in the bus back home that wen my fren was tokin to me,
I was suppose to ans him, but den my eyes were starting to close.
So I had to ask him to repeat himself for mani times cuz I couldn’t even tink ><
I had a big cut on my leg at the end of the day too.

Friday had MMM.
The currency dat we used was “Edwinas”,
Dats cuz the president of the Student Council is called Edwin -.-
Ran lyk a mad dog all around Singapore.
I hate running.
Had to cheer loudly in public and my OG took mani of those long routes instead of those unseened short cuts.
One of the OGL’s lead my class from Clarke Quay all the way to Raffles place.
And we ran+walked there.
Panting lyk a mad dog wen we reached.
But in the end, it was the wrong place, so we had to walk back to Clarke Quay again.
It was friggin tiring.
Leg hurts lyk mad.

Ytd (Saturday), I pontanked the finale day of orientation.
Had cg in the afternoon.
And I was too tired to go for the finale after it.
Heard it was very fun, but I tink cg is funner=/

Some random stuffs.
I won tickets to Kelly Poon’s campus concert on 5th feb at Ngee Ann poly.
Dat was on Thursday.
So I couldn’t go.
I won the ticks thru 933 website.
The previous time I also won bang bang tang’s (lollipop’s) campus concert.
But I hated them so I didn’t go.
I juz randomly went to try the quizzes on 933’s webby and I wont them.
There was a Kelly party on sat (ytd) too at kbox kunion. But too bad, I was busy the whole day.
I’m lucky =]

And Meridian JC doesn’t sing the national anthem.
The national anthem is juz the music without the voice, unlike temasek which has the voice.
And its silent throughout the song.
Neither do they say the pledge.
And no1 cares!
Finally im away from the mundane temasek culture,
Where we are FORCED to sing the song n everything -.-
TONS of ppl dye their hair brown in MJ.
But no teacher or any1 catches students for dat.
Even my black colour dye kinda faded, so its kinda brownish, but no1 caught me =/
And we can wear any kinda shoe we want.
Its kinda poly style.
Juz dat we have to wear sch uniforms.

Speaking of which, JC1s are supposed to wear MJ’s uniform from this Monday onwards.
But dere’s no stock of uniform for me!
So I tink I’ll be one of those odd ones out without the sch U.
Hopefully there are others, if not will be dam paiseh.
And the Meridian dollar badge is rather nice.
Quite cool to have it all silver.
Its so much better den Temasek’s which looks kinda lyk the Majulah Singapura sign.

Had a heart attack today.
Reali reali bad.
I could hardly breathe the last minute.
But I felt reali relieved wen my named was called in that group.
The experience was TRAUMATIC to be called last.
And the hugging and everything was so emotional.
I’m glad with the result of everything.
Altho I felt so much lyk breaking down, but I’m glad I managed to not drop a single tear.
I’m gonna miss evry1.
I wonder wad wil happen if I end up in the other group…
There mite be a salty flood in rayner’s house I guess…

Alrite, my eyelids are dam heavy now, so I shall prepare to slp soon.
Friggin tired!
I haven had my daily dose of 10 hours of slp for the past week.
Not even 1 day w 8 hours of slp.
I miss my holidays =[

To cow : I believed it in my heart to the very last minute.



Wednesday, February 4, 2009 @ Choir Auditions!
All the grasses are brown and dieded.
At least it rained quite awhile today.
No more oxygen for us!
Nvm -.-

Or even worst den dat.
Had mass dance in the hall.
It’s a compilation of past yr mass dance steps and songs.
So dere was a total of 5 songs.
With each song lasting around 1 minute.
E dance steps were reali diff.
And hard to folo/rmb.
Had to finish learnin it in 1 hour.
Way worst den aces day in temasek-.-
Made a fool outta myself.
The J1s seemed to be reali hyper today.
Almost evry1 danced, including me -.-
And dere were more cheers today.
Evry1 cheered. Wads w all the hype going on?
I was a lil hyper tho.
I talked to a few new ppl today.
Talked quite a lot =/
New frens! But these r only frens in the admin group.
So i wont hang out with them tml. Cuz we'll all be in different groups.
Almost evry1’s name starts with a J in my group.
Orientation groups will be out tml.
And I doubt they will be in the same group as me for orientation group cuz no1 seems to be taking the same course as me.
They made it in sucha way that Orientation group = my class.
So dat we’ll bond with ppl we’re gonna hang out for the next 2 yrs.
Quite a gd idea.
But I don’t even noe if there’s a class for my course or not -.-
We’ll see tml.

There was another dumber thing.
ALL the guys had to go for choir audition!
Except those DSA boys.
Luckily it was a 1 to 1 session with the choir ex-co.
Evry1 was kinda speculatin dat it’s a 1 to mani sessions, singin in front of evry1.
If dats e way, its gonna be dam paiseh.
We had to folo the keyboard’s notes and sing along.
Choir is realiii unpopular among guys.
Dats y they had to FORCE us to go for the auditions.
Some of my frens got chosen =/
I’m not sure if im in or not.
Better not be…
My CCA choice will most likely be,
1st choice – Badminton.
2nd choice – Bowling.
3rd choice – Photography.
Don’t noe about the rest uh.
The ppl in MJ is MUGGER.
I’ve gotta say this again!
Even in the choir holding room, the choir ppl are also ALL doing hw -.-
Hardcore muggers -.-

And I bought the ex calculator alrdy.
$148 -.-
Friggin ex.
And I’ve gotta buy it becuz of MATH.
Math is the root of all evil!!
I’m sure all of u out dere agrees with me =D

The sch’s reali crazy.
Orientation is tml and we have to of cuz be dressed in PE sttire.
But we HAVE to wear formal sch uniform for morning assembly!
After dat, there’s NO MORE use for the uniform.
Reali retarded rule that they have there.
Make me have to bring extra clothings tml and make my bag heavy -.-
I RMBERED wad other things are inside the orientation package alrdy!
Dere’s a Meridian SHOE BAG too.
Hope it’s a good 1 =/
I cant blief this sch is so good to us.
Mayb that’s cuz previously I was in the ACT POOR Temasek sch .
And I was influnced too much that schools wont be that nice to students..

Today I’ll sleep at 11pm!
There’s American Idol today.
Time to see more laughter and see more BHB ppl on TV!!
Feel so embarrassed for them =/
But at least they've got courage.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009 @ Veni, Vidi, Vici
It finally rained today.
Its been ages since it rained.
Its supposed to be sumwhat the rainy season now.
But there’s hardly any rain the past few weeks.
And todays rain barely lasted 5 mins
And den it became scorching again immediately -.-
The grass downstairs my house all become brown alrdy.
Wads wrong w the weather.
I miss my thunderstorm.

My 2 ulcers are humongous!
Its less pain den ytd,
I tink its healing alrdy?
But I tink dere’s gonna be another ulcer comin out.
Cuz I can see it.
A small dot dere on my lip and its hurtin bad.
This time round, its not me biting it.
It formed up on its own.
I guess I ate too much heaty stuffs alrdy =/

Today had the 2nd day of admin stuff.
Its… boring.
They student council taught us the School song, school cheer, and showed us the different house’s cheer.
The cheers and house colours are kinda interesting I’ve gotta say.
So much better den temasek’s -.-
I wanna enter MIRANDA house. Cuz the colour theme for that house is BLACK :)
The OGL’s are so dam hyper.
And the JC1’s are juz standing dere, stoning and lookin at them.
Mayb someday I’ll bcome as hyper as that.
But most probably not,
Cuz I wont be an OGL. Im not hyper.
I’ll be in classes while others are being OGL’s next yr.
The student council was teachin us the school song.
They kept asking the JC1’s to repeat after them.
And I tink they sang the 1st line of the chorus for around 10 times
Then the JC1’s started mubbling the song.
The school song is rather okay……
At least better den temasek’s!
Temasek’s sch song is crap.
My fav sch song is my primary school song!
I actuali like it. Haha,
I muz start preparing my heart to do stuffs I wont do from thurs – sat.
I may juz die from ZI-HIGHNESS for all u noe.

And the orientation package quite good eh.
1 dry fit orientation T-shirt.
1 cotton orientation T-shirt.
1 Meridian foolscap.
2 Meridian wristbands (they claim it’s the cool thing for this yrs’s orientation -.-)
And sum other stuff.
Forgot wad alrdy.
That’s kinda cool.
Hope all these stuff not that cheapo.
Cuz I’ve gotta pay $28 for it.
I feel the thumbdrive is the only useful thing in dere =/
And I lyk the theme for this yr’s orientation, which is,
Which means to have the strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage.
In this case, to head the orientation with the strength of mind?
And they wanted us to rmb this quote “I came, I saw, I conquered”.
I dunt reali care bout this.
But I lyk the Italian version of it which is “Veni, Vidi, Vici”.

Today in sch was juz crazy.
I did nothing.
Heard the talk about sch vision, did school cheer and sch song things.
It was recess after that, didn’t eat again.
After that was more demo lectures from 10.25am-3.25pm.
How can life be anymore mundane than this huh?
But the thing is,
I didn’t even attend a single lecture.
Cuz I attended it ytd,
And its kinda of a repeat.
And its BORING!
They kinda do an intro for that subject rather than CHEEM stuff.
Which is supposed to be taught in a DEMO LECTURE.
So I walked around sch with Secondary sch frens, bought uniform and stuff.
The teacher said we can only leave at 3.25 and that Demo lectures are compulsory.
But in the end, we saw so mani ppl leaving sch.
So, I left too!
At 12 plus. I left sch.

I consulted the teacher in-charge of math.
He said that I MUST take H2 math.
How cool is that? And I tot I couldn’t at first.
But I didn’t take A math -.-
So he said go read up some A math textbook.
Some of it can understand while reading,
But wen doing it, it’s a different story.
Who can helppp? =[
I cant tahan math anymore!
Cuz its clinging onto me for 2 more yrs -.-

Here’s my subject combi choice.
1st choice for subject combi – H2 Chem, Math, Econs, H1 Geog.
2nd choice for subject combi – H2 Chem, Math, Geog, H1 Physics.
Hopefully I get into 1st choice.
Results comin out either tml or thurs..
And im alrdy feeling the JC life is tough vibe wen I look at the JC2s -.-

The school is retarded.
They actuali ask for student’s personal website, which is their blog.
As if any1 wud write down their blog in the update particulars thing in the website-.-
And tml’s MASS DANCE.
I saw the OGL’s demo it today.
I cant dance for nuts.
So probably I’ll juz stone dere tml,
lyk wad I did for the school cheer and the school song.
Practically the whole JC1 stones.

Submitted my exempted from H1 Chinese form to the office.
No more Chinese!
But im not sure if dats a good thing.
Cuz Chinese MAY help in the A levels.
But Only if I get an A for it.
And I rather use the time for Chinese to revise my other subjects.
MJ IS dam mug.
Recess JC2s all sitting around do hw!
I shall be lyk that too! o.o (At least soon enuf)

I admire those going to poly.
They’re juz halfway thru their holidays only!
But nvm. I’m not jealous =/
I guess I have lots to rant about sch stuff.
I’m too lazy alrdy.
I’m gonna slp by 10pm today.
Hardly cud survive the mundane talks -.-

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Monday, February 2, 2009 @ 102nd post
1st day of sch today.
Not good.
Not enuf slp.
I need 10 hours.
I perished and slept during econs demo lecture.
Head keep bobbing up and down=/
But mayb not the real reason luh.
Dats cuz for Econs demo lecture, I was seated at the furthest row.
Cant even see a single thingy.
So I juz slept.
So mani unknown ppl dere.
And each sch ppl mingled only with the people they know.
Hopes orientation which starts on Thursday will be better.
Orientation groups are also divided into the actual classmates we’re gonna be with.
And I hope I get my subject combi.
H2 Chem, Math, Econs and H1 Geog.
Haven tried the canteen food.
Too unfamiliar w the place to try the food.
There’s Japanese food! But I tink its ex.
And I duno wad CCA to join.
Its late. Gtg.
Lucky Rachel’s safe this round =/


Sunday, February 1, 2009 @ 101st
Wa sien.
Tml dere’s gonna be sch!
So I shall post earlier.
I juz realize from tml-wed its admin stuff.
Thurs-Sat its orientation.
And my batch has to prepare sum retarded performance.
Feel lyk poning it on Saturday’s finale.
But if I pon = harder to make frens wen sch starts.

My ulcer just grew more painful.
And judging from experience,
Its gonna last for at least 4-5 more days.
I cant enjoy good food.
But on the bright side,
It helps me to keep away from excessive food.
Ulcer spoils my mood to eat.
Which in a way helped.

Can u see the math question in the background! I'm SO GD BOY UH!
But today, since its my last day of freedom,
I trrated myself to Tori-Q and Takopachi.
Which is dam ex!
This is to remind me that I have enjoyed my holidays!
Even tho its still not enuf -.-

I juz realized mani of my sch batch ppl are going to poly even tho their qualified for JC.
Mayb JC life is reali dat uninteresting huh?.
Shld I juz go poly?
Alrite, even if I want, I’m too lazy to appeal or do anything.

Oh, and pls rmb to vote for Rachel Lim tml!
Rachel Lim 林瑞敏 is gonna perform for her 2nd round of competition tml on 2nd of Feb.

Which is tml.
I cant blog tml in time cuz there’s sch -.-
So I shall type it out today.
Voting is from 8-9.30pm tml.So dont forget to PICK UP THE PHONE and VOTE.
She’ll be the last contestant for tml.
Call 19001125005 or sms c5 to 71199.
Support her!! =D
Don’t vote for wrong Rachel.
Dere’s 3 rachels in top 12.
Rachel will be singing 月牙湾 by F.I.R
More info pls go to http://www.theracway.blogspot.com/.
Dats her official fan blog.
The performance show will be from 8-9pm. (Live)
Results show tml nite from 11-11.45pm?
Do tune in.
I cut my hair alrdy!
How nice.
Its one of the most disgusting hair ever.
Cant wait for it to grow back.
I'll neva ever visit that dam place to cut my hair again.
It Screwed my hair up big time!

I guess that’s it.
I wont be so free to blog anymore.
So I’m gonna slp now.
6+ gotta wake up tml!
Disgusting time.
Dats supposed to be the time I slp!
So I shall go slp now.
My sleeping time is fixed =D
Told cha I cud do it.

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@ 100th post
I’m feeling horribly miserable now.
I hate this feeling.
Shall not elaborate.
Cuz im sick of it.


15-10-1992 , Seventeen Eighteen.

Shout It Out

Now Playing: Far Away - Nickelback


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January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
May 2010
December 2010

.fourth!Romance is the designer.
Inspiration from Exuvalia and mintypeach.